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The Jane and Richard Saga: Jane Tackles Litigation

Meet Jane, the overwhelmed & frustrated adjuster

In our last installment, Jane, a frustrated and harried adjuster at Occidental Insurance (OI), heard great things about CLARA Analytics from her former Occidental colleague, Richard. It’s been a few months since OI turned on CLARA Triage for its workers compensation adjusters. OI purchased Triage because Richard had briefed OI’s chief claims officer, Sally, and others about why he and his new colleagues love CLARA. After all, it helps them work much smarter. This, and the references Sally received from some of CLARA’s customers (a few of which are competitors of OI!), convinced Sally to move on CLARA as fast as she could.

Jane was thrilled that the rollout of Triage was going so well. After working through a few kinks In Occidental’s data, the CLARA team delivered Triage on time…in a matter of weeks from getting the data right. Measurements of the impact it was having were hard to ignore. Assigning a claim to the right adjuster up front was improving, and evidence that better assignments drove faster initial outgoing contact with the claimant was emerging. This moves time-to-close down and, thus, claims costs lower.

Jane found relief from CLARA Triage

Jane was already getting feedback from adjusters that while doing a better job of triaging claims avoided many problems down the line, they needed help beyond Triage. Many of OI’s states were dealing with the increasing number of attorneys getting involved in injured workers’ claims. Indeed, she thought, there must be a way to identify which claims were likely to have an attorney involved at some point. The sooner, the better too. Taking proactive steps to avoid the claimant wanting an attorney was one thing that helped OI. And in the case where a plaintiff attorney is added to the claim, being prepared with data and a defense attorney already familiar with the matter helped immensely.

Jane invited Richard to lunch with her and Sally to thank him for being the catalyst that brought CLARA into Occidental. After the plates had been cleared from the table, the conversation shifted to everyone’s least favorite subject, plaintiff attorneys, and how many more claims they are involved in today. Sally asked Richard if he liked CLARA’s Litigation product. He emphatically said, “Yes!”.

CLARA Litigation, Richard’s augmented intelligence to play legal “Moneyball”

According to Richard, Litigation goes further than Triage in that it focuses on the likelihood that an attorney will represent the claimant at some point. Beyond this, if a plaintiff’s attorney becomes involved, Litigation scores them on how they have matched up against counsel assigned by the insurance carrier.

Richard said this feature has already proven very valuable to his company. Richard’s team noticed that the defense counsel assigned to a couple of large, complex claims had poor track records when going against the plaintiff attorneys, (Blyndem and Chietum, LLP). So, defense attorneys with a winning track record versus B&C were assigned by Occidental instead. Richard firmly believes this was the main reason these potentially seven-figure claims were settled for much more reasonable amounts and sooner.

Jane sensed the wheels inside in chief claim officer’s (Sally’s) head were already churning, so it was no surprise that Sally asked her to call their rep at CLARA right away to dig into Litigation.

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CLARA Analytics is the leading AI as a service (AIaaS) provider that improves casualty claims outcomes for commercial insurance carriers and self-insured organizations.

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