Augmented Intelligence for Casualty Claims Management
Drive Down Workers Comp Losses and Expenses

CLARA’s solutions streamline Workers Comp casualty claims management.
They identify the best-performing medical providers, help avoid attorney involvement, read medical notes and records to alert on potential opioid abuse, and even complete Medicare Secondary Payer documentation in minutes. This enhances adjusters’ abilities to find the most critical casualty claims to work and drive optimal outcomes for the carrier, policyholder, and claimant. Using artificial intelligence and augmented intelligence, we provide an “adjuster first” perspective in designing and building all our products.
Our Workers Comp solutions require minimal IT involvement to set up and use, enabling them to make a measurable impact and pay back the investment in months, not years.
Use Cases:
- Lower medical & indemnity costs with the best providers
- Predict severity and balance adjuster caseload at first notice of loss
- Gain insights & save expense by collating, searching and analyzing claim medical bills and records with treatment timelines and smart alerts
- Grading defense and plaintiff attorneys on their outcomes in past similar claims
Products Available
CLARA Triage
CLARA Treatment
CLARA Litigation
CLARA Claims Document Intelligence Pro
CLARA MSP Compliance
Lower Auto Liability Claim Losses and Attorney Involvement

CLARA’s technology also enhances Auto Liability claims processing.
Injured parties are a commonality across Workers Compensation and Commercial, and Personal Auto claims. We leverage our experience of evaluating 5.0+ million workers comp claims and apply it to the specifics of commercial auto accidents to achieve optimal outcomes for all parties. We augment our injured party experience with the expertise of our staff, some of whom have worked as commercial and personal auto adjusters and claim managers to deliver alerts and guidance adjusters understand.
Our Auto Liability claims solutions require little IT involvement to set up and use, enabling them to make a measurable impact and payback the investment in months, not years.
Use Cases:
- Lower attorney involvement and claim cycles
- Grade defense and plaintiff attorneys on their outcomes in past similar claims
- Predict severity and assign claims to the best adjuster for every claim
- Gain insights & save expense by collating, searching and analyzing claim documents with timelines and smart alerts
Products Available
CLARA Triage
CLARA Litigation
CLARA Claims Document Intelligence Pro
Predict Severity and Optimize your General Liability Claim outcomes

CLARA’s solutions now extend to General Liability claims management.
The data involved with General Liability claims is a subset of what we are already analyzing in Commercial Auto Liability claims. We are leveraging our our experience from developing proven models for Workers Compensation and Auto Liability and applying these learnings to General Liability. Our AI models will predict claim severity and attorney involvement. Your adjusters will be armed with information to quickly settle and close the claim avoiding litigation and lowering losses. Give your GL team the augmented intelligence to lower loss costs and improve combined ratios.
Our General Liability solutions require little IT involvement to set up and use, enabling them to make a measurable impact and payback the investment in months, not years.
Contact us to learn more and be a part of our initial GL launch for competitive pricing.
Use Cases:
- Predict severity and assign claims to the best adjuster for every claim
- Gain insights & save expense by collating, searching and analyzing claim documents with summaries and smart alerts
- Grade defense and plaintiff attorneys on their outcomes in past similar claims