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InsideBigData: Heard on the Street

Contributory Data Models. Commentary by Tyler Jones, chief customer officer at CLARA Analytics 

“AI solutions are hungry for data. AI solutions with a contributory data model allow enterprises across the industry to benefit and improve their outcomes. Large enterprises who have long tried to develop their own AI solutions in-house are finding value in purchasing outside solutions with contributory data models. The broader industry view improves AI performance and helps mitigate bias. The value of sharing anonymized transactional data is now outweighing the perceived competitive advantage of keeping it walled within the enterprise.”  

Tyler Jones, Chief Marketing Officer, CLARA Analytics

Read the entire article here

CLARA Triage is an AI solution that uses contributory data to predict claim severity and much more. Learn more about CLARA Triage here

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CLARA Analytics is the leading AI as a service (AIaaS) provider that improves casualty claims outcomes for commercial insurance carriers and self-insured organizations.

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